Anjuum Khanna – Whatsapp new privacy updates says, “Just like your messages, WhatsApp calls are end-to-end encrypted so WhatsApp and third parties can’t listen to them.” WhatsApp alerted users to a new privacy policy effective February 8, that expressly says that WhatsApp will share user data with its parent company Facebook. Users earlier had an opt-out option, which won’t be available now. If you choose not to provide the information needed to use a feature, you will be unable to use the feature. There has been a lot of conversation of people on the internet about Whatsapp sharing their user information (such as call details, account information, undeliverable messages and media forwarding, usage and log information, device and connection information such as model, operating system, browser, IP address, battery level, signal strength, app version, identifiers unique to Facebook products, location information, and cookies etc) with Facebook.
Whatsapp’s new privacy updates push users to use signal private apps, Telegram etc. One tweet from Elon musk is all it takes to make a messaging app trending in our country. Signal Private Messenger app by Signal Foundation has started trending in India at No. 10 positions In just one day of his Tweet. We all know the reason for WhatsApp’s latest privacy update and it’s affiliation with Facebook. Elon Musk Tweets on Twitter and says, “Use Signal”. Also many users started using new alternatives of whatsapp such as viber, wire, Kik, etc.
This New WhatsApp policy update is only for those country people who live outside the European Region. This privacy policy is rolling out globally, however, users located in the European Union received only one bullet point in their notification. The WhatsApp users in 27 European countries will not have their data shared with third parties due to its tougher privacy norms.
Whatsapp’s new privacy means, “Your privacy is impacted. Whatsapp holds some data about you so does Facebook. Those data are in different silos. If the silos talk to each other, the company knows more. For example, it may learn that a given phone number ( used for WhatsApp ) is associated with the FB account (which may have a different name and/or different number associated). From February 8, will also be able to the accurate location data if you give WhatsApp permission to use this. FB can compare your contacts on Whatsapp, the interactions, and the WhatsApp groups you belong to, and compare those to FB contacts and FB activity. Plus, if you use WhatsApp transactions services, FB may be able to associate bank account, or card details that Whatsapp would pick up. ”
If you don’t agree with the new policy, then you’re no longer a user of Whatsapp. So, for your privacy, you have a second alternative too, use secure applications, those I mentioned above. But one minor issue is a network (connections).
About Anjuum Khanna – Tech Blogger
Anjuum Khanna helps leaders and teams discover the magic of conversations (leads). He is specialist in Fintech, eCom Startups, BPOs, Telecom & D2H, spearheaded domestic & Global Business Operations, etc fields. In his free time he loves reading and blogging.